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Campus Park

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Campus Park Activation Project

Logo of the Campus Park improvement project.

Campus Park, a park space influenced by nature and natural materials, gardens, and Oxnard’s unique culture, currently has a dog park and recreational programming that operates out of the old high school building onsite.

Construction plans are currently underway to support activating the approximately 26 acres of Campus Park. The nature-based project is based on robust community participation, stemming from the City of Oxnard’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan that was completed in 2021 that identified the park site as a nature-themed park, including amenities not available in other parks in Oxnard, and where nature is a major element of and supports the recreational amenities of the project. In order to initiate the transformation of the site, a series of 6 community workshops were held with residents at the vacant Campus Park site, in order for residents to lead the conceptualizing of the park. These meetings engaged the disadvantaged community for them to directly participate in the project’s design that is the design of this proposal. The meetings included broad representation including youth, seniors, single adults, families, and Mixteco and Spanish speakers.

The City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) staff are currently in the plan check phase. The CIP identifies major projects and provides a way to plan and finance these infrastructure investments strategically. Campus Park falls under the Parks & Open Space classification of the CIP. The details of the construction phases for Campus Park are included in the City’s 2025-2029.

  • Campus Park CIP Information

    Download the Campus Park Capital Improvement Program for more details.

    1.58 MB PDF | Updated 10/02/24


The City of Oxnard acquired the space for Campus Park in the early 2000s, with the direction to one day transform the space into a public park. 

Following decades of budget challenges (VC Star, April 2019), the city began to apply for and win various grants to invest in Campus Park. These include:

Project Timeline

Planning and design work has been completed for Campus Park. Below is an anticipated timeline of future milestones for the Campus Park Activation Project. The new grant requires additional environmental analysis to be completed and reviewed by NPS to unlock access to the grant funds. The timeline may change depending on the time it takes NPS to review the additional environmental documents once submitted by the City.

Early 2025 – 100% Construction Documents and Final Plan Check/Permit Issuance

Late Summer 2025 – Bid, Council Approval, Award of Contract

Winter 2025 – Construction Begins

Campus Park Master Plan Diagram

Master Plan

  1. Walking Path
  2. Alluvial Wash
  3. Recreation Core
  4. Multi-Purpose Lawn
  5. Inclusive Playground
  6. Pavilion
  7. Pelota Mixteca
  8. Meadow
  9. Community Garden
  10. Restroom
  11. Dog Park
  12. Airplane Viewing Mound
  13. Cultural Garden
  14. Entry Garden
  15. Community Gateway

Future Amenities

The grant requires implementation of the following specific elements. Elements included in the initial phase of construction are: An inclusive play area, fenced pelota Mixteca court, bicycle pump track, skate park, fenced community garden, alluvial wash (dry creek), a prefabricated restroom building, a pavilion, walking paths, signage/art, seating areas, multi-purpose lawn, parking lot striping, refurbished of basketball courts, site lighting, planting and irrigation, site utilities, and stormwater management. Please note that the images below are intended only for visioning and inspiration. Actual plans for Campus Park are underway.

Blooming flowers used as an example of what will be available once the Campus Park improvement project is completed.


Various types of lush and picturesque gardens are envisioned for Campus Park such as landscaping, trees, and a community garden. Walking paths will guide park visitors through natural spaces that will ultimately help improve the ecology of the area.

A walking path used as an example of what will be available once the Campus Park improvement project is completed.

Walking Paths

A walking path will be a crucial unifying element that will activate the park. A main accessible pathway and smaller trails will interconnect and guide users through gardens, artwork, and cultural amenities.

A nature themed playground with kids climbing rocks used as an example of what will be available once the Campus Park improvement project is completed.

Nature Themed Playground

From nature play in the meadow and the dry creek, children will easily transition to a nature-themed inclusive playground full of imaginative play opportunities with natural materials that work to inspire curiosity, agility, and fun!

People sitting in an amphitheater listening to an instructor used as an example of what will be available once the Campus Park improvement project is completed.


An intimate amphitheater will be a focal point for cultural and performing arts, and for community and local events. From movie nights to local music and performances, a small versatile venue is envisioned as a cultural hub for the park.

A dry creek bed used as an example of what will be available once the Campus Park improvement project is completed.

Seasonal Dry Creek

A seasonal dry creek will run through the park, offering opportunities for stormwater benefits and crucial habitat for local ecology and wildlife. Walking trails will provide users an interactive experience as they run alongside the creek and at various crossings.

A meadow with wild flowers used as an example of what will be available once the Campus Park improvement project is completed.


A natural meadow will be planted with California native plants and perennial grasses. The meadow will provide habitat for urban wildlife, educational opportunities on local ecology, and passive recreation such as picnics.

Arial view of a bike pump track used as an example of what will be available once the Campus Park improvement project is completed.

Bicycle Pump Track

A bicycle pump track is a loop with a set of berms and banked curves for bicycles and other wheeled devices. These are designed to maximize a rider’s momentum by pumping up and over berms, so pedaling is minimized.

A boy doing a trick at a skate park used as an example of what will be available once the Campus Park improvement project is completed.

Skate Park

A 20,000 square foot skate park will be Oxnard’s second facility for small-wheeled devices. Some areas are planned to encourage beginners and other sections will be more complex to keep advanced users interested.

A little boy playing sports used as an example of what will be available once the Campus Park improvement project is completed.

Pelota Mixteca Court and Multi-use Space

An ancient game originating from Oaxaca, Pelota Mixteca has a fervent group of enthusiasts that travel across California to play in ad hoc tournaments. The game is played on a long rectangular gravel court that will double as a multi-use venue for classes, activities, and other community gatherings and events.

A basketball court used as an example of what will be available once the Campus Park improvement project is completed.

Existing Amenities

Dog Park – The existing dog park will also be included in the design, although it might be relocated. Most of the area devoted to parking on K Street and along 5th Street will be resurfaced and will continue as the park’s designated parking lots.

Refurbished Courts – After much use over generations of P.E. classes and PAL activities, the basketball courts and the multi-use blacktop will be resurfaced in their existing locations.