In California, local ballot measures can be placed on the ballot either by local government action or through citizen initiatives. In recent years, Oxnard voters have considered numerous ballot measures. Below is a list of these measures, organized by the election year in which they were presented to voters.
Measure I
City-Sponsored Community Facilities District No. 5 (RiverPark) No Tax Increase, Public Safety, Neighborhood Services Measure.
Measure I was passed by 75.49% of the voters in 2024.
Measure J
Repeal of Community Facilities No. 5 (RiverPark) Special Taxes
Measure J was defeated by 66.36% of the voters in 2024.
Measure K
Reduction of the Maximum Special Taxes That Can Be Imposed Within Community Facilities District No. 5 (RiverPark)
Measure K was defeated by 66.36% of the voters in 2024.
Measure L
Limitations on Uses of Special Taxes for Community Facilities District No. 5 (RiverPark)
Measure L was defeated by 68.17% of the voters in 2024.
Measure C – Oxnard Term Limits Act
Amended the City’s existing term limit regulations. After the Mayor or a member of the City Council has served in office for two consecutive terms (either as the Mayor, Councilmember or both), they are not eligible to be elected or appointed to that same position again until at least two years have passed from the date that they left office.
Measure C was passed by 55% of the voters in November 2022.
Ordinance #2972 – Measure C
979.2 KB PDF | Updated 12/05/24
Measure E – City of Oxnard 911 Safety, Medical Response, Financial Recovery and Accountability Measure
A locally controlled 1.5 cent local sales funding for Services Like 911 Safety/Medical Response, Financial Recovery and Accountability Measure.
Measure E was approved by 55.92% of the voters in November 2020.
Oxnard City Code Sec. 13-100
Oxnard City Code for “City of Oxnard 911 Safety, Medical Response, Financial Recovery and Accountability Measure.”
Web Link
Measure F – Oxnard Permit Simplicity Act
Measure F is the result of a voter-approved ballot initiative and is now codified in the Oxnard City Code as Chapter 26. The program allows for the issuance of a permit in one business day if the permit applicant passes a training course and completes all of the eligibility requirements listed below.
Measure F was approved by 50.71% of the voters in November 2020.
Oxnard City Code Chapter 26
“Oxnard Permit Simplicity Act” Program (Measure F)
Web Link
Measure M – Oxnard Open Meetings Act
An initiative establishing meeting procedures for city legislative bodies to follow including use of prerecorded staff presentations, use of Robert’s Rules of Order, purchase of guidebooks and training on meeting procedures, restriction of meeting times and alter rules for public comment.
Measure M was approved by 57.23% of the voters in November 2020. The City challenged Measure M as the initiative was “administrative” rather than “legislative” in nature, and therefore invalid. The Court of Appeal interpreted Measure M as legislative and upheld the ballot measure.
Ordinance #2992 – Measure M
584.99 KB PDF | Updated 12/05/24
Measure N – Termination of Sales Tax
An initiative authorizing early termination of the sales tax established through Measure O in 2008 if street and alley work do not meet the Pavement Condition Index requirement.
Measure O was approved by 51.7% of the voters in November 2020. The City of Oxnard challenged Measure N as invalid because a voter initiative cannot direct how a general tax (Measure O) should be spent once the tax has been enacted.
The Ventura County Superior Court and the Second Appellate District of the California Court of Appeal both ruled in favor of the City. Measure N’s author, Aaron Starr, petitioned the California Supreme Court to reverse the lower court rulings, but the Supreme Court declined to hear the case.
Measure L
An initiative authorizing an increase of power to the city treasurer that cannot be reduced by the city council, a reduction of oversight authority of the city manager and finance director, and grants authority to the city treasurer over the city’s budget, investment portfolio, finance department and annual municipal budget preparation.
Measure L was defeated by 61.67% of the voters in November 2020.
Measure B – Oxnard Government Accountability and Ethics Act
Prohibits councilmembers and commissioners from accepting gifts from lobbyists and contractors; eliminates the influence of outside special interests by strengthening campaign finance reforms and limiting political contributions to Mayoral and City Council candidates; expands transparency by posting the City’s monthly financial reporting and City contracts on the website; and updates term limits for the Mayor and members of the City Council.
Measure B was passed by 82.48% of the voters in March 2020.
Measure B
Oxnard City Ordinance 2976
1.13 MB PDF | Updated 12/05/24
Contracts Over $200,000
View City contracts over $200K through Oxnard’s Interactive Financial Reporting Tool
Web Link
Measure M – Wastewater Rates Repeal
An initiative to repeal the city’s increased wastewater rates adopted in January 2016 and returning to the lower rates previously in effect.
Measure M was passed by 72.19% of the voters in 2016.
The city sued to invalidate Measure M. The trial court issued a preliminary injunction but ultimately found Measure M to be valid. The Court of Appeal reversed that ruling, stating that “the uncontradicted evidence shows Measure M violates the Revenue Bond Law of 1941.” (Gov. Code, § 54300 et seq.).
Measure O
Measure O is a local half-cent sales tax supplement that was approved by 65% of Oxnard voters in 2008 that provides locally controlled funding for protection, maintenance and expansion of vital City services that our community relies on. Measure O funding is scheduled to end in March 2029.
All expenditures of funds raised by Measure O must be publicly approved by the City Council. Additionally, the Measure O Citizen Oversight Committee ensures that expenditures are in compliance with the voter-approved measure.
Annual Reports
The Measure O Ordinance No. 2779 requires that a written report be provided annually to every household in the City detailing how much revenue is generated by the ordinance and how funds are used.
Oversight Committee
In March 2010, the Oxnard City Council adopted Resolution No. 13,776 establishing the Measure O Citizen Oversight Committee composed of nine members. The Committee was appointed to review the use of Measure O revenues approved by the City Council.
On December 17, 2019, City Council adopted Resolution 15,288 revising establishment of the Measure O Citizen Oversight Committee. The revisions include the formation of committee members to reflect the Council Districts, appointment terms, and more.
The Commission meets quarterly, typically on the fourth Thursday of January, April, July and October. Meetings typically begin at 5:30 p.m. at the Oxnard Council Chambers, 305 West Third Street or other City-owned publically available space. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a Measure O Citizen Oversight Committee meeting, you should contact the Office of the City Manager at 385-7430. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to the meeting.
Please call or email Luly Lopez, Commission Liaison, at 385-8017 or [email protected] if you have any questions about the Measure O Citizen Oversight Committee.
Resolution No. 13,776
164.56 KB PDF | Updated 03/12/24
Resolution No. 15,288
297.85 KB PDF | Updated 03/12/24