A Temporary Use Permit (TUP) is required for all special events held within the City impacting public property. If you’re planning a special event, please refer to the steps and resources below to support your application process. TUPs must be submitted at least ninety (90) days prior to your requested event date for large events and events in City parks, and at least thirty (30) days prior to your requested event date for small events. The TUP process is regulated by Oxnard City Code Sections 16-475 through 16-483. If you have specific questions about the process, contact [email protected] or 805-385-7447.
Temporary Use Permit Process
Step 1: Download and complete the Temporary Use Permit application. Refer to the TUP checklist and resources below to assist with your application process and to identify any supplemental documentation that may be required.
Step 2: Submit your completed TUP application and supplemental documents. Applications can be submitted in three ways:
- Email: submit your documents via email to [email protected].
- Mail: mail your documents to: City of Oxnard, Attn: Samantha Shapiro, 300 W. Third Street, 4th Floor, Oxnard, CA 93030
- In-person: schedule an appointment to drop off your documents in person by calling 805-385-7447
Step 3: City staff will review your application for completeness and identify any missing information for initial review. From there, your application will be reviewed by various City departments. Based on the scope of your event, additional requirements may be identified during this review. If any adjustments or changes need to be made to your event so it meets City guidelines and requirements, you will be contacted.
Step 4:
Once approved, you’ll be notified and informed of any event conditions and outstanding fees. Please note: you are responsible for payment of all fees associated with your event.
Temporary Use Permit Application
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Temporary Use Permit Checklist
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Temporary Use Permit Resource Guide
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TUP Resource Guide
- Application must be complete, including all required supplemental documents, with legible writing to be accepted. Please note: incomplete applications, or applications missing required plans, will not be accepted. Refer to the TUP submission checklist for a quick reference guide.
- Completed application must be signed by the authorized event organizer. Applications without a signature will not be accepted.
- If your event will be utilizing private property (e.g. parking lots, venues, facility), property owner or management company permission must be provided at the time of submission
- A complete application must be submitted at least ninety (90) days prior to your event for events taking place in City parks or with a significant impact to the City. For smaller events, an application must be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior.
- Outdoor assembly events must be approved by the Fire Code Official.
- The approved TUP document must be kept on-site at all times during the event.
- City staff has the right to shut down your event and/or deny future event requests if any unauthorized activities or alterations to your event are observed.
- It is the responsibility of the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations and conditions of the approved permit. Failure to comply with permit requirements or conditions may result in the denial of future TUP requests from your organization.
- Events organized by the City of Oxnard take precedence over other events if a scheduling conflict arises.
A non-refundable TUP fee is due at the time of application submission based on the tiers outlined below. Per Oxnard City Code, charitable, youth or nonprofit organizations may request a waiver* of the application fee. Eligible organizations are responsible for requesting this fee waiver at the time of application submission.
- Tier 1 Events: events for which less than 300 attendees are expected with no street closures on a single parcel. $204.75
- Tier 2 Events: events for which 300 to 1,000 attendees are expected and/or includes closure of North Fifth Street only. $362.25
- Tier 3 Events: events for which more than 1,000 attendees are expected and/or street closures are proposed. $908.25
- Additional fees may be required from City departments based on the event scope, included elements, and required services. Fees will be communicated to the applicant prior to the event date.
*This fee waiver only applies to the TUP processing fees. TUPs may be subject to additional fees or taxes imposed pursuant to the City code or other applicable regulations. All fees are the sole responsibility of the event organizer. Failure to pay these fees may result in denial of future TUPs from your organization.
The following activities are prohibited. TUPs including these elements will be denied unless these activities are removed from the request:
- Oversized cold air balloons or suspended helium balloons extending above the height of the building on the property
- Off-site signs placed on private property (except on approved billboards, and for which a City encroachment permit has been issued)
- Flashing, scintillating, moving, or color-changing signs, and trailer signs
- Signs, structures, or activities which may be unsafe
- Sewage or gray water discharged upon or into parking lots, alleys, streets, public easements, landscaping, planters, etc. Any such discharge must be directed into approved facilities and only with prior approval from the City
Prohibited special event activities in City of Oxnard parks:
- Fireworks
- Golfing
- Staking or digging in turf
- Projectile weapons
- Smoking or vaping
- Animals off leash
Site Plan: all events are required to submit a comprehensive event site plan and/or route map for events that include moving routes. The site plan must include total dimensions of the event footprint and all proposed activities inside that footprint, including but not limited to: tent structures, stages, canopies, generators, food booths/trucks, vendor booths, bleachers, beer garden(s), parking areas, equipment staging, fencing, restroom and hand washing stations, and trash containers. The site plan is a visual representation of your event and should include all stationary elements.
Events including moving routes must provide a route map including all times of impact and detail all proposed closures of streets, lanes, sidewalks, and other public rights-of-way including devices being used to block traffic.
Please label all items on your site plan, along with approximate dimensions. The Fire Department requires a 20′ clearance lane through your event for access by emergency vehicles and to ensure that your event is accessible to all. TUPs will not be accepted without a site plan and/or route map if applicable.
Emergency Plan: an emergency plan is required for all special events per Section 403 of the California Fire Code. An emergency plan details how to respond to an on site emergency – what is the plan if an emergency occurs, who are the responsible parties, where are the exit routes, where will attendees be directed in the event of an emergency, etc.
The emergency plan can be provided in writing and must include the individuals who will be responsible in the case of an emergency, what the plan is if an emergency occurs (i.e. call 911, evacuate to a designated location), event exit routes (ingress and egress), and location of safe refuge for attendees in the event of an emergency. Emergency exits should never be blockedFor events with over 500 expected attendees, crowd managers are required at the rate of 1 crowd manager per 250 expected attendees. These individuals must complete training and should be indicated on the emergency plan.
For your convenience, an emergency plan template can be found here. This plan can be modified to fit your event’s needs, but generally is suitable for events with 1,000 expected attendees or less. Larger events may need to provide a more comprehensive plan.
The Fire Department will review the information provided and coordinate with the applicant to ensure emergency response plans are in place for the event.
Traffic Control Plan: a traffic control plan (TCP) is required for all events with street closures, intermittent traffic control, or impact to public rights-of-way. If traffic control is being provided by an outside vendor, the traffic control vendor’s insurance and contractor’s license must be verified prior to TUP approval. The following items apply to all TCPs:
- TCP shall adhere to all the guidelines as specified by the City’s Traffic Engineering Division.
- TCPs must include traffic control devices being used and identify all roads that will be closed and not usable for emergency vehicles.
- The TCP will be reviewed by the City’s Traffic Engineering Division, Police Department, and Fire Department.
- The Police Department will determine if police services are required for traffic control; if required, this cost will be the responsibility of the applicant.
- Applicant is responsible for notifying in writing all businesses and private properties within a 700 foot radius of the event regarding street, lane or sidewalk closures and significant disruptions.
Parking Plan: a parking plan is required for all events with over 100 attendees anticipated. It is the responsibility of the organizer to identify appropriate parking to support the anticipated attendance.
- If off-site parking is proposed, a map and/or details must be provided indicating how participants will safely move between the off-site parking location and the event venue. This may include a shuttle service or other methods to move between the parking location and event venue.
- If crosswalks are not located within an appropriate distance, the Police Department may require intermittent traffic control to create a temporary crosswalk for attendees to safely travel between the parking location and event venue.
Emergency Plan Template
Modify this template to suit your event’s needs
18.71 KB DOCX | Updated 11/21/24
Generators, stages, bleachers, grandstands, tents over 10×10, or structures that will be constructed will require a permit through the City’s Building and Engineering Division. Plans must be submitted directly to the service counter located at 214 S. C Street, Oxnard, CA 93030 during public counter hours. For specific questions about permit requirements, contact 805-385-7925 or visit Building and Engineering at their website.
The assigned TUP number is required for all building permit submissions. Building plans should be submitted concurrently with the TUP to ensure adequate time for review, revisions and approval in advance of the event. Failure to submit plans within this review time, typically 60-90 days prior to your event request, may result in certain elements of your event being denied.
Applications that include electrical generators with capacity in excess of two (2) 110-volt outlets (rated at 25 KVA or above) require an electrical permit from the Building and Engineering Division. Please include the following information:
- Specification sheet with information on generator capacity
- Clearance from the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District or proof of PERP (Portable Equipment Registration Program) certification
- Information from electrical contractor on the proposed grounding method
- A completed permit application. Form can be downloaded here.
- A Electrical Contractor possessing a class C-10 license issued by the California State Contractor’s License Board, will be required to sign the permit and present workers’ compensation insurance and a Business Tax Certificate
Portable generators must comply with the requirement set forth in the California Fire Code (CFC) Section 1204. All generators will be reviewed by the City’s Building Division and the City’s Fire Department to ensure compliance with these requirements prior to approval. An approved electrical permit must be granted before installation of the generators at the event.
Generators shall be installed no less than 10 feet from combustible materials and shall be isolated from the public by a physical guard, fence or enclosure installed no less than three feet away from the internal combustion source. Each generator shall be provided with an approved portable fire extinguisher. CFC 3106.6.2
A completed building permit application must be submitted for any tents larger than 10’ x 10’ that will be present at your event. The building permit application for tents can be downloaded here.
For tents larger than 10’ x 10’, plans must also include:
- Size of tent and distance from the tent to buildings, property lines, and other tents
- Manufacturers’ specifications and listing information for any heating equipment demonstrating it is suitable for use inside a tent
- Flame resistance certificate
- Staking/anchorage detail, including location of each anchorage point, and method of anchorage along with details (such as size and material of stakes, water barrels and weight, etc.)
For tents larger than 30’ x 30’, or tents with seating and/or side walls, plans must also include:
- Location of seating, including handicapped seating and accessible path of travel to and from the seating area
- Location and size of exits
- Provide wet stamped and signed certification/calculations from a civil or structural engineer that the tent is adequately guyed, supported and braced to withstand a wind pressure or suction of up to 10 lbs. per sq. ft. The poles and their supporting guys, stays, stakes, fastenings and similar supporting members or devices shall be certified to be of sufficient strength to resist the 20 lbs. per sq. ft. In addition, tents with sidewalls must be designed to resist wind loads in accordance with the 2007 California Building Code and ASCE7-05.
Note: copies of prior certifications/calculations for other locations or previous installations in the same location cannot be accepted. If similar installations are planned within the City, a prototype certification/calculation package can be submitted with a wet stamped and signed letter from the engineer stating the package can be copied and re-used with their permission by a specific client. This prototype certification/calculation package can be copied and used for up to two years or until the engineer’s stamp has expired.
Temporary structures (tents) in excess of 100 sq. ft. shall not be erected, operated or maintained for any purpose without first obtaining approval and a permit from the building official. Temporary structures (tents) in excess of 400 square feet shall also require approval from the fire code official.
All tents require verification that the fabric material has been certified by the State fire Marshal for flame resistance of CPAI-84. Questions related to this requirement can be directed to the Deputy Fire Marshal at 805-385-7797. Tents, or combinations of tents, must be set back from property lines or other buildings by no less than 10 feet (for up to 1,500 sq. ft), 30 feet (for up to 15,000 sq. ft.), or 50 feet (for over 50,000 sq. ft.)
Bleachers, Stages, and Structures
Applications that include bleachers, stages, or structures must provide:
- Calculation or certification from a structural, civil, or other qualified registered engineer may be required. The structure of the bleachers shall be sufficient to support the proposed loads.
- Provide an existing plan showing location, width, and configuration of exits.
- A plan indicating location of handicapped access seating
- Any element requiring assembly, such as bleachers, stages, stacked seating, etc., requires review and approval from Building Safety & Engineering. Vendors must obtain required permits before the TUP will be released.
Note: State accessibility laws require that wheelchair areas shall be an integral part of any seating plan, and shall be arranged so as to provide persons with disabilities a choice of admission prices and line of sight comparable to those of the general public. At least one companion seat shall be provided next to each wheelchair seating space. The number of spaces shall be 1 space for up to 26 persons, 2 up to 50, 4 up to 300, 6 up to 500, and one additional space for each fraction of 100 persons over 500 persons.
A full vendor list must be provided no later than thirty (30) days prior to your event. The list must include any vendor providing service to the event and participating in the event; the list must include the business name, address and phone number.
All vendors, including the applicant, must have an active business tax certificate with the City. The applicant may be able to obtain a blanket business tax certificate which will satisfy the requirement for some of the event vendors. For more information about this requirement or the blanket certificate, contact business licensing at [email protected] or click here.
Event organizers are required to coordinate sufficient trash, recycling, and organic waste (if applicable) bins and disposal for the requested event. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure materials are separated into the designated bins. The City’s Environmental Resources Division manages the reservation, drop off, pick up, and disposal of these bins for the specific event. It is the responsibility of the event organizer to make this reservation directly with Environmental Resources no later than thirty (30) days before the event date to ensure supplies are available. Size and pricing for bin rentals can be found here.
When rental bins are required, it is the responsibility of the event organizer to create a temporary account through Utility Billing. Temporary accounts require an Acceptance of Responsibility for City Utility Service form and a Credit Card Authorization form. The forms can be found here.
Events with an expected attendance of 1,000+ individuals per day must arrange to recover the maximum amount of edible food that would otherwise be disposed of per Sections 19-160 (E-H) of the Oxnard City Code
Insurance is required for all special events in Oxnard as they have the potential to impact the public right-of-way. A certificate of insurance, additional insured endorsement, and a primary noncontributory endorsement are required prior to the approval of all TUPs. Specific insurance requirements can be reviewed at Insurance Matrix – Exhibit A. Insurance coverage limits are subject to change based on the unique characteristics of each event.
Insurance documents must be submitted at the time of TUP submission in order to begin processing the TUP. If your organization has annual insurance on file with the City that meets the City’s requirements for special events, you are not required to submit additional insurance. The Risk Management Division will verify this information during the review process.
For special events held on City property, the City has insurance coverage available for purchase. Please contact the Risk Management Division of the Human Resources Department at 805-385-7590 or [email protected] for more information.
Insurance Matrix
345.94 KB PNG | Updated 11/21/24
Any event requesting to use a City public park must complete a Parks Special Event Permit through Facilitron before submitting a TUP. This verifies the availability of the location and places a hold while the TUP is being reviewed. TUPs will not be accepted for events in public parks without prior submission of the Parks Special Event Permit. A $1,000 refundable deposit is required for any event at a public park. This deposit must be received to secure the location for the event. Additional fees may be required depending on the location. Park fees are subject to change with Council approval.
A comprehensive site plan must be provided with your Parks Special Event Permit and TUP submission. After initial review, modifications may be required to the site layout in order to issue approval for the requested event.
Permits are required for all jolly jumpers included in your event plan. There is a limit of three jolly jumpers per event at a community park and all jolly jumpers must be rented from an approved vendor. A permit is required for each jolly jumper and can be submitted here. The fee is $25 per jolly jumper.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to identify and secure appropriate parking or shuttle service to support the impact of the event. Events in public parks will not be approved without an adequate parking plan.
The following additional requirements apply to all events in Plaza Park:
- Applications must be received at least ninety (90) days prior to the event date
- Event/use layout must comply with the Plaza Park layout template (included as Exhibit B)
- Any event organized by the City of Oxnard shall take precedence over other events. If a scheduling conflict arises between a city-organized event and another event, the City event will prevail.
- Private events, not sponsored or organized by the City, may not exceed two per applicant or group, per calendar year, and events must be separated by 30 days.
- For all non-City events, an application must be submitted for any event request, but reservations cannot be made more than 12 months prior to the date.
- Public Notifications: applicant must provide written notice to all businesses, merchants and residences surrounding Plaza Park. Applicants must use the standard template for Special Event Notifications and submit an affidavit of delivery (included as Exhibit C) and deliver notifications at least two weeks prior to the event.
- If an event is rescheduled for any reason, a new TUP and notice are required at the applicant’s expense. If an event is rescheduled at the request of the City, a new TUP is required but TUP submission fees will be waived.
- A minimum of two (2) handicap access restrooms and handwashing stations are required for events/uses that are two hours or longer in length
- Live music is limited to one performance at a time
- Amplified sound must end by 8 p.m.
Use of the Pagoda for event storage, entertainment, or other activities is not permitted. Requests to use the Pagoda for event decorations or electricity must be submitted in writing with the TUP submission. If approved, all event decorations must be placed and removed by Parks staff and coordination of this must be completed at least two weeks prior to the event. All decorations must be picked up no later than one week after the event date. Failure to comply with conditions of approval may result in denial of future requests and/or loss of the Parks security deposit.
Plaza Park Traffic Control Plans (TCPs): Events in Plaza Park requesting street closures must select one of the two pre-approved street closure TCPs available below. Download the TCP your traffic control vendor will be using for the event and include it with your TUP submission. This removes the requirement to submit a professional TCP. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure the traffic control vendor compiles with the TCP.
Any requests for street closures that extend beyond these two plans must be discussed with City staff prior to submitting your TUP and will require a professional TCP.
Plaza Park Event Layout
194.73 KB PDF | Updated 11/21/24
Plaza Park Street Closure TCP (Option A)
TCP for “B” Street Closure Only
1.19 MB PDF | Updated 12/13/24
Plaza Park Street Closure TCP (Option B)
TCP for “B” Street & 5th Street Closures
904.31 KB JPG | Updated 12/13/24
Use of the City logo on event marketing, including flyers, social media graphics, websites, banners, or other promotional materials, is prohibited without prior approval from the City of Oxnard’s Communications Manager per the City’s logo usage policy. View the City’s policy regarding use of logo by third parties here.
For information on requests to use the City’s logo on event materials, contact 805-385-7593.
Responsible Beverage Sales and Service (RBSS) training is required for all people involved in or assisting with serving alcoholic beverages at the event site. The applicant is responsible for arranging RBSS training for all individuals serving alcohol at the event. To meet the new RBSS training requirement, any on-premises alcohol server or manager must register in the RBSS Portal, take training from an authorized RBS Training Provider, and pass the ABC Alcohol Server Certification exam within 30 days of their confirmed training. Persons successfully completing RBSS training will receive a card certifying completion. Further information on how to obtain the certification can be found at https://www.abc.ca.gov/education/rbs/ . Failure to comply with this requirement may result in shutting down alcohol service at the event and denial of future TUPs from the applicant.
Areas where alcohol will be served must be entirely fenced in with a security guard at the entrance and exit points verifying that alcohol is not leaving the approved, fenced in area. An individual must also be assigned to check identification and verify those purchasing alcohol meet the age requirements.
Additional insurance requirements are necessary if your event will have alcohol present. Refer to Insurance Matrix – Exhibit A for further details.
A separate license from the Department of Alcohol and Beverage Control (ABC) shall be obtained by the applicant and must be posted as required by law and presented to officials upon request. A copy of the ABC license must be provided to the City prior to issuance of the permit. Visit www.abc.ca.gov/licensing for more information.
The applicant must abide by all conditions set forth by the Oxnard Police Department and ABC. Failure to comply with requirements may result in shutting down alcohol service at the event and denial of future TUPs from the applicant. The City will not issue approval for a TUP including alcohol without a copy of an approved ABC license and proof of completion of RBSS training for all individuals identified as alcohol servers for the event.
Any event with food service or sales must comply with all state and County regulations related to food sales at community events. Permits must be obtained through the Ventura County Environmental Health Department for all temporary food facilities at Community Events. Permit requirements, timelines, and associated fees can be found here. This process must be coordinated directly with the County of Ventura. Contact the Ventura County Environmental Health Division at 805-654-2813 for more information related to these requirements. The applicant must provide proof of approval from the County Environmental Health Department before release of the TUP.
Food booths and food trucks cooking on site are not permitted to set up on turf at public parks; vendors with pre-packed, sealed food can set up on the turf.
Food vendors must comply with Food Booth/Vendor requirements set forth by the Oxnard Fire Department, outlined here. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure all food vendors (booths and trucks) complete the Fire Department’s Food Booth/Food Truck Vendor Agreements.
Any event impacting public streets and sidewalks must ensure the location is returned to its pre-event condition within three (3) hours after the conclusion of the event. If the event will impact public streets or sidewalks, the applicant must provide detailed information on how the streets and sidewalks will be cleaned to return to pre-event condition (such as volunteers picking up trash, street sweeping, etc).
Events with a significant impact to streets and/or sidewalks (e.g. parades, marches, run/walk, cycle events) may be required to obtain street sweeping services to clean up after the event at the discretion of the Public Works Department. This determination will be made after evaluating the TUP, clean-up proposal, expected attendance, vendors and participants, and other event elements.
If street sweeping is determined to be required, the applicant must obtain a vendor approved to provide street sweeping service in the City of Oxnard and provide proof of the scheduling of this service prior to the release of the TUP. If the location is determined to not have been returned to its pre-event condition, the applicant will be billed for any associated cleanup costs incurred by the City. Failure to return the street to pre-event condition may result in future denial of TUPs for the event in question.
Event Security: applicant must provide sufficient security staffing from a paid security company to safely operate the event. The number of security guards will depend on the type of event, venue, attendance size, and the presence of alcohol. Upon review of the TUP, the Oxnard Police Department will determine if the planned security is sufficient to safely operate the event. Police may require the applicant to provide additional security staffing and/or if Police personnel will be required in addition to the planned security staffing.
- Estimated event attendance must be accurately reported to the best of your ability. This ensures that public safety officers can properly assess the event and protect the safety of event participants and the general public. If event attendance is significantly larger than the estimated amount, additional police resources may be deployed. These resources will be billed directly to the applicant at the actual billed hourly rate.
Crowd managers will be required for any events with more than 500 people expected at the rate of one crowd manager per 250 attendees. Crowd managers can be event volunteers, paid staff, or hired security provided by the applicant. All identified crowd managers must be trained; many organizations offer a crowd manager training course that complies with all requirements. All training must be completed prior to the event. It is the responsibility of the event organizer to show proof of crowd manager training completion upon request from the Fire Department.
EMS coverage for special events is required when the daily event attendance is expected to exceed 2,500 people. This threshold may be reduced in the event that planned activities include a greater potential for illness or injury at the discretion of the Fire Marshal. EMS coverage in the City of Oxnard is provided by the Oxnard Fire Department at a rate of $110 per Firefighter and $150 per Captain or Supervisor.
If your event is requesting to use a drone within five (5) miles of the Oxnard Airport, you must obtain drone approval through the FAA Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LLANC) website. View this website for more information and to get started on the approval process. For specific questions related to drone activity in Oxnard, please contact Sean Herder with the Ventura County Airports at 805-388-4246.
The City must receive a copy of your approved plan prior to TUP approval including that element. If the City does not receive this approval, that element will be removed from your approved TUP.
Event organizers are responsible for providing adequate restrooms and handwashing stations on-site for use by event attendees. The number of restrooms and handwashing stations is generally dependent on the size of the event; however, special circumstances may require additional restrooms and handwashing stations, such as the sale of alcohol. . Refer to the chart below to determine the appropriate number of restrooms and handwashing stations required for your event:
Number of attendees Restrooms 1-25 1 26-50 2 51-100 3 101-200 4 201-300 6 301-400 8 Over 400 Add 1 restroom for each additional 125 attendeesNumber of attendees Handwashing Stations 1-100 1 101-200 2 201-300 4 301-500 5 501-750 6 Over 750 Add 1 hand wash station for each additional 200 attendees
ADA compliant restrooms and handwashing stations must be provided at a rate of 1 per every 8 provided. In cases where less than 8 are required, there must be at least 1 ADA compliant restroom and handwashing station.