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Sports Park

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Sports Park is approximately twenty (20) acres of undeveloped park space located at the corner of Oxnard Boulevard and Gonzales Road. Council has approved the designation of this park to be a baseball/softball complex.

This project is included in the City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) under the Parks & Open Space classification. The CIP identifies major projects and provides a way to plan and finance these infrastructure investments strategically.

  • Sports Park CIP Information

    Download the Sports Park Capital Improvement Program for more details.

    884.89 KB PDF | Updated 11/21/24

Parks & Recreation Master Plan

In February 2021, the City Council adopted the Parks and Recreation Master Plan with the intention to guide decision-making for future development and management of parks within the City. This plan was developed over 24 months, collected feedback from a diverse cross-section of stakeholders, and was led by the Parks, Recreation & Community Services Commission.

To address identified service gaps and needs, the Master Plan recommended creating a space for baseball and softball at Sports Park to help meet the baseball and softball needs in the City, and to provide passive, flexible programming space in the expansive outfields.

Sports Park Idea Day

In late 2021, the City Council approved $1,500,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars to conduct community outreach regarding the future uses for Sports Park.

Sports Park Idea Day was held on April 30, 2022; local organizations with an interest in the future of Sports Park were invited to set up a booth discussing their ideas with residents. Ten (10) organizations and groups participated in the event and shared various ideas, including: League/Club Soccer, YMCA, Baseball, BMX, Softball, Multi-Use Sports Fields, Ice Rink, Roller Sports, and Passive Park uses. Staff completed additional outreach to promote the event to the public, including through the Neighborhood Council Weekly Packet, social media, and direct contact to all active Neighborhood Council chairs.

Staff conducted an on-site survey for attendees to select their top choice for the future of Sports Park. A total of 164 attendees completed this survey. Baseball and softball (combined) received 163 votes and league/club soccer received 150 votes. Attendees were also interested in various amenities such as parking, restrooms, and a snack bar.

The survey results were consistent with the findings of the Master Plan to develop baseball/softball fields at this location. Staff shared these results at the July 2022 Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission meeting and at the November 2022 West Village Neighborhood Council meeting.

City Council Designation & Next Steps

In alignment with the Sports Park Idea Day results and the Master Plan recommendation, staff brought a recommendation to Council Committee in October 2022 to designate the future use of Sports Park to be a baseball/softball complex with various support amenities. This recommendation was reviewed and approved by City Council in January 2023.

This designation will provide up to five (5) convertible baseball/softball fields and support facilities, such as parking, snack bar, restrooms, walking paths, sidewalks, and open space for passive, flexible programming when games are not being played. The convertible fields will allow for more leagues to use the fields and for tournament opportunities.

Since this designation, staff have held information meetings with local baseball and softball leagues and conducted research on other baseball/softball complexes. However, the City has not moved into the design phase due to the ongoing bond litigation preventing the City from bonding for projects.

This project is included in the 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Plan as a “funding priority 3: new or expanded services.”