The Records and Property Division is comprised of four separate units; Records, Word Processing, Property and Evidence, and Animal Licensing. The Records and Property Division is the public’s first point of contact for non-emergency services to the public, which includes answering the main non-emergency business lines and assisting the public with routine requests. The Word Processing Unit is an important component of Records whose main responsibility is to transcribe and process reports. The information can then be disseminated and processed by Records personnel. The primary responsibility of the Property and Evidence Unit is to properly store and catalog all evidence and property submitted to maintain an accurate accounting of items. Animal Licensing promotes responsible pet ownership through the administration of licenses in Oxnard.
Essential Functions and Responsibilities
The Records Unit serves as a repository for documents handled within the Department. This includes incident, crime and arrest reports, citations, traffic collision reports, arrest files, subpoenas and other related documentation. Records employees provide a variety of services to include: general records requests and inquiries at the public assistance counter, vehicle release information, clearance letters, registering criminal offenders to maintain compliance, and answering the Department’s non-emergency phone lines. Records Technicians process Live scan fingerprinting for all City of Oxnard employees; teletype entries; subpoena control operations; and routinely performs audits for the Department of Justice. The Unit adheres to all applicable federal or state laws that prohibit or limit the release of information, while at the same time maintaining an individual’s right to privacy. Strict adherence to current laws and regulations affect the release of records and the Records Unit upholds the appropriate release of each document.
The Records Unit public window is open from Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm. Appointments are strongly recommended so that the requested information is available and ready when you arrive. Please contact Oxnard Records directly to schedule an appointment or request information: 805-385-7650.
The primary function of the Word Processing Unit is to transcribe all crime reports dictated by officers, making sure the report format is appropriate. All data is reviewed and audited by the Word Processing team, checking for errors. The Word Processors are responsible for reporting all criminal data to the National Information Based Reporting System (NIBRS). Careful consideration of names, locations and proper language is used to complete the criminal reports in a timely manner. These reports are reviewed for accuracy and corrected in Word Processing prior to being released to the courts or the public when appropriate.
The primary function of the Property and Evidence Unit is the intake and appropriate storage of all evidence and property. Responsibilities also include the transmission of evidence to and from the crime lab. They manage the lawful release or disposition of items in accordance with current statutes. Property and Evidence staff ensures an accurate chain of custody, which is essential in safeguarding the integrity of the evidence. Property and Evidence has a public window open Monday through Friday by appointment only. Please contact them directly for any property or evidence questions at 805-385-7738.
The primary function of the Animal Licensing Unit is to process, update and administer animal licenses for all domestic pets in Oxnard. Animal Licensing staff works with Ventura County Animal Services to educate the public on proper animal identification. Animal Licensing also works closely with Animal Safety who enforce laws on animal care, community safety and responsible animal ownership. For more information please refer to the Animal License webpage.
The Division manager administers the overall operations for Records, Word Processing, and Property & Evidence. A supervisor runs the day to day processes for each Unit. The Records Unit is currently comprised of one Records Supervisor, two Senior Records Technicians and 14.5 Records Technician positions. They work three shifts for 24/7/365 coverage. Animal Licensing is a part of the Records unit and is overseen by the Records Supervisor. The Word Processing Unit is currently comprised of one Word Processing Supervisor and 7.5 Word Processor positions who work two shifts seven days per week. The Property Unit is currently comprised of one Property and Evidence Supervisor and 5 Property and Evidence Technicians who work five days per week.