What should you do if you have received a parking citation?
The registered owner or lessee of a vehicle charged with a parking violation shall do one of the following within 21 days of the citation issuance or notice of citation issuance:
Pay the civil parking penalty by check or money order made payable to the CITY OF OXNARD. Enclose payment in an envelope and mail to the CITY OF OXNARD, c/o PARKING CITATION SERVICE CENTER, P.O. Box 11923, Santa Ana, CA 92711. Please write the citation number on the check or money order.
You may also pay your citation on-line: www.paymycite.com
To deny liability and request an administrative review of your citation; you must complete one of the following steps within 21 calendar days of the date of the parking citation.
- Submit your request in writing. Your request must include the citation number or a copy of the citation, a statement of facts and any evidence (photographs or diagrams) you have to support your request. Ensure that you keep copies for your own records. Mail your documents to: Parking Citation Service Center P.O. Box 11923, Santa Ana, CA 92711
- You can also contest your citation online at: www.paymycite.com. Click on the “Contest Citation” link at the top of the page. You will need to provide a valid email address to use this form.
Contacts: Parking Citation Service Center 1.888.300.9901 or the Oxnard Police Department Parking 805.385.7748
Failure to respond to the notice will result in additional penalties and notification to the Department of Motor Vehicles directing that the vehicle registration renewal be denied until all penalties are paid (4760 & 4763 CVC). Additionally, vehicles with unpaid parking citations may be towed and impounded at the owner’s expense pending satisfactory evidence that all penalties due have been paid (22651 CVC).
Interactive Street Sweeping Map
Web Link
Registration & Equipment Violations
Correctable violations must be immediately corrected Correctable violations must be immediately corrected to avoid additional penalties. The Certificate of Correction at the bottom of the citation must be completed by either a law enforcement officer, the Department of Motor Vehicles, or a certified inspection station.
City of Oxnard Parking Violation & Penalty Schedule
Code | Section | Description | Penalty |
CVC | 22500(a) | In intersection | $65 |
CVC | 22500(b) | On crosswalk | $65 |
CVC | 22500(c) | Safety zone | $65 |
CVC | 22500(d) | Within 15’ of fire station driveway | $65 |
CVC | 22500(e) | Blocking driveway | $65 |
CVC | 22500(f) | On sidewalk | $65 |
CVC | 22500(g) | Blocking excavation | $65 |
CVC | 22500(h) | Double parking | $65 |
CVC | 22500(i) | Bus zone (school or public transportation) | $250 |
CVC | 22500(j) | In tunnel | $65 |
CVC | 22500(k) | On bridge | $65 |
CVC | 22500(l) | Blocking sidewalk wheelchair ramp | $350 |
CVC | 22502(a) | Over 18″ from right curb/Wrong-way | $65 |
CVC | 22502(e) | Over 18″ from left curb/one-way street | $65 |
CVC | 22507.8(a) | Parked in disabled parking space | $350 |
CVC | 22507.8(b) | Blocking access to disabled parking | $350 |
CVC | 22507.8(c)(1) | Disabled parking boundary lines | $350 |
CVC | 22507.8(c)(2) | Disabled parking crosshatch lines | $350 |
CVC | 22514 | Within 15′ of fire hydrant | $70 |
CVC | 22521 | Within 7½’ of railroad track | $70 |
CVC | 22522 | Within 3′ of sidewalk wheelchair ramp | $150 |
OXO | 8-37(a) | Parked over 72 hours | $70 |
OXO | 8-41(a) | Commercial vehicle in residential area | $100 |
OXO | 8-41.1(a) | Oversized vehicle | $100 |
OXO | 8-42(a) | Washing, greasing, repairing on street | $70 |
OXO | 8-42(b) | Inoperative vehicle on street | $70 |
OXO | 8-43 | Removing/tampering with tire mark | $76 |
OXO | 8-44 | Detached, non-motorized vehicle | $65 |
OXO | 8-45(a) | Key in unattended vehicle with motor running | $70 |
OXO | 8-46 | Parking without permission of property owner | $70 |
OXO | 8-47 | Time & place restrictions on vending from vehicles, pushcarts & wagons | $70 |
OXO | 8-50 | Alley parking except to load/unload | $65 |
OXO | 8-51 | Yellow zone | $45 |
OXO | 8-52 | White zone | $45 |
OXO | 8-53 | Green zone | $45 |
OXO | 8-54 | Red zone | $65 |
OXO | 8-55 | Within 10′ of fire hydrant | $70 |
OXO | 8-60(a) | Violation of signs, signals or markings | $65 |
OXO | 8-60(b)(1) | Street sweeping | $65 |
OXO | 8-60(b)(2) | Overtime | $45 |
OXO | 8-60(b)(3) | Violation of regulatory Sign | $65 |
OXO | 8-60(b)(4) | Out of stall | $45 |
OXO | 16-302 | Unauthorized vehicle repair, storage, assembly, or disassembly | $70 |
OXO | 16-333 | Parked/stored on unpaved area visible from street | $70 |
Parking Violation and Penalty Fee Schedule effective July 2, 2009
CVC – California Vehicle Code
OXO – Oxnard Municipal Code