Project Overview
This project will provide bike and pedestrian improvements along Edison Drive, between Hueneme Road and the SCE power plant at Ormond Beach. The scope of such improvements is anticipated to include a widened walking/biking path along Edison Drive, trees, trash/recycling bins, interpretive signs, parking lot, restroom/maintenance building, and other enhancements to improve the user experience when enroute to Ormond Beach.
Present access to Ormond Beach is not conducive to bike and pedestrian use. Any future recreational development of Ormond Beach associated with the decommissioning and removal of the existing SCE power plant will require access improvements, which this project will provide.
Current Project Phase – Planning
A feasibility study is currently in progress to go over access options and engage the various stakeholders for this sensitive area. Construction is dependent upon decommissioning of nearby power plant.
To learn more about the current study visit: Ormond Beach Restoration and Public Access Plan