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Major Public Projects

Browse the City's major projects to learn about funding, project timelines, priority, and more.

Showing 32 projects

  • CIP Classification: Buildings

    Fire Station No. 2

    This new construction will include a new two-story Oxnard Fire Station 2 building and ancillary site structures.

  • CIP Classification: Buildings

    Fire Station No. 3

    A new Oxnard Fire Station 3 will include a two-story living quarters and office area, and a single-story apparatus bay and service area.

  • CIP Classification: Buildings

    Council Chambers Production System Improvements

    The production system in the City Council Chambers needs an upgrade to provide a reliable, quality product for both in-person meetings and live broadcasts.

  • CIP Classification: Transportation & Drainage

    Alley Reconstruction at Hero Locations

    This alley improvement project consists of the reconstruction of 8 alleyways mainly in the Heros neighborhood of the City.

  • CIP Classification: Parks & Open Spaces

    Thomas Park, Johnson Creek Park and Sierra Linda Park Improvements

    New playground equipment will helped enhance the amenities at each park and improved the safety of children using the new playground equipment.

  • CIP Classification: Transportation & Drainage

    Gonzales & Oxnard Blvd Resurfacing

    Distressed sections of Gonzales Road and Oxnard Boulevard will be overlaid with new asphalt.

  • CIP Classification: Transportation & Drainage

    Hueneme Road Median Maintenance

    The majority of this section will undergo microsurfacing to extend the pavement’s lifespan, with asphalt resurfacing applied where necessary.

  • CIP Classification: Buildings

    Fire Station No. 4

    Constructing of a new single-story Oxnard Fire Station 4 building and ancillary site structures.

  • CIP Classification: Transportation & Drainage

    Fremont North Neighborhood Alley Restoration

    The reconstruction of nine alleys and the resurfacing of one alley within the Fremont North Neighborhood

  • CIP Classification: Transportation & Drainage

    Kamala Park And Bartolo Square South Neighborhood Street Resurfacing

    Microsurfacing, crack filling, excavation and reconstruction of failed asphalt pavement areas, concrete repairs, and the adjustment of utility covers to finished grade.

  • CIP Classification: Buildings

    South Oxnard Center Lighting

    These upgrades will address existing lighting and safety concerns in the parking area serving the South Oxnard Library, and evening events taking place in Community Center.

  • CIP Classification: Transportation & Drainage

    Stormwater Conveyance Improvements Along Oxnard Blvd

    Install an approximately 250 foot long concrete v-ditch along Oxnard Boulevard.

  • CIP Classification: Buildings

    City Hall and Annex Improvements (2019-2024 CIP)

    The exterior of the City Hall Annex building is in need of externior improvements and paint.

  • CIP Classification: Parks & Open Spaces

    Community Center East Park Playground Renovation

    Replace the existing playground equipment with an all-inclusive playground and rubberized safety surface.

  • CIP Classification: Buildings

    La Colonia Boxing Gym

    Updating the 3,300-square-foot space with modern design, safety features, and amenities to support youth boxing and community programs.