Major Public Projects
Download the full Capital Improvement Program (CIP) by visiting the Capital Projects Management webpage.
Showing 17 projects for Grants
Rice Avenue & Fifth Street/SR-34 Grade Separation
Will include a bridge, connector road, two traffic signals, traffic signal improvements at Sturgis Road, Class II on-street bicycle lanes, sidewalks, and accessibility improvements.
Wastewater OWTP: Reliability Improvements
Protecting public health, ensuring we can preserve aquatic ecosystems, meet regulatory standards, and support economic growth and community needs.
Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Completion
Improving local water supply needs by allowing water storage during wet periods for use during dry seasons.
La Colonia Neighborhood Street Resurfacing – Phase III
Enhancing transportation infrastructure in the La Colonia neighborhood by resurfacing several streets and constructing new sidewalks and curb ramps.
Carty Park Playground Replacement
New playground equipment and engineered wood fiber surface will help enhance the amenities at Carty Park.
Fremont Tot Park Playground Replacement
Existing playground equipment at Fremont Tot Park has reached the end of its useful life and is in need of replacement.
College Estates Playground Replacement
Remove and dispose of existing playground equipment and replace it with a new playground system and engineered wood fiber safety surfacing.
Ramona Preschool Pedestrian Crossing Enhancements
Install pedestrian facilities at intersections adjacent to Ramona Preschool to enhance crosswalks and increase school-age pedestrian safety.
Skatepark in La Colonia
City desires an Olympic-quality skatepark design that will include areas for all abilities.
Fire Station No. 2
This new construction will include a new two-story Oxnard Fire Station 2 building and ancillary site structures.
Fire Station No. 3
A new Oxnard Fire Station 3 will include a two-story living quarters and office area, and a single-story apparatus bay and service area.
Council Chambers Production System Improvements
The production system in the City Council Chambers needs an upgrade to provide a reliable, quality product for both in-person meetings and live broadcasts.
Alley Reconstruction at Hero Locations
This alley improvement project consists of the reconstruction of 8 alleyways mainly in the Heros neighborhood of the City.
Gonzales & Oxnard Blvd Resurfacing
Distressed sections of Gonzales Road and Oxnard Boulevard will be overlaid with new asphalt.
Fire Station No. 4
Constructing of a new single-story Oxnard Fire Station 4 building and ancillary site structures.