Major Public Projects

Download the full Capital Improvement Program (CIP) by visiting the Capital Projects Management webpage.

Showing 17 projects for Grants

  • CIP Classification: Transportation & Drainage

    Rice Avenue & Fifth Street/SR-34 Grade Separation

    Will include a bridge, connector road, two traffic signals, traffic signal improvements at Sturgis Road, Class II on-street bicycle lanes, sidewalks, and accessibility improvements.

  • CIP Classification: Utilities

    Wastewater OWTP: Reliability Improvements

    Protecting public health, ensuring we can preserve aquatic ecosystems, meet regulatory standards, and support economic growth and community needs.

  • CIP Classification: Utilities

    Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Completion

    Improving local water supply needs by allowing water storage during wet periods for use during dry seasons. 

  • CIP Classification: Transportation & Drainage

    La Colonia Neighborhood Street Resurfacing – Phase III

    Enhancing transportation infrastructure in the La Colonia neighborhood by resurfacing several streets and constructing new sidewalks and curb ramps.

  • CIP Classification: Parks & Open Spaces

    Carty Park Playground Replacement

    New playground equipment and engineered wood fiber surface will help enhance the amenities at Carty Park.

  • CIP Classification: Parks & Open Spaces

    Fremont Tot Park Playground Replacement

    Existing playground equipment at Fremont Tot Park has reached the end of its useful life and is in need of replacement.

  • CIP Classification: Parks & Open Spaces

    College Estates Playground Replacement

    Remove and dispose of existing playground equipment and replace it with a new playground system and engineered wood fiber safety surfacing.

  • CIP Classification: Transportation & Drainage

    Ramona Preschool Pedestrian Crossing Enhancements

    Install pedestrian facilities at intersections adjacent to Ramona Preschool to enhance crosswalks and increase school-age pedestrian safety.

  • CIP Classification: Parks & Open Spaces

    Skatepark in La Colonia

    City desires an Olympic-quality skatepark design that will include areas for all abilities.

  • CIP Classification: Buildings

    Fire Station No. 2

    This new construction will include a new two-story Oxnard Fire Station 2 building and ancillary site structures.

  • CIP Classification: Buildings

    Fire Station No. 3

    A new Oxnard Fire Station 3 will include a two-story living quarters and office area, and a single-story apparatus bay and service area.

  • CIP Classification: Buildings

    Council Chambers Production System Improvements

    The production system in the City Council Chambers needs an upgrade to provide a reliable, quality product for both in-person meetings and live broadcasts.

  • CIP Classification: Transportation & Drainage

    Alley Reconstruction at Hero Locations

    This alley improvement project consists of the reconstruction of 8 alleyways mainly in the Heros neighborhood of the City.

  • CIP Classification: Transportation & Drainage

    Gonzales & Oxnard Blvd Resurfacing

    Distressed sections of Gonzales Road and Oxnard Boulevard will be overlaid with new asphalt.

  • CIP Classification: Buildings

    Fire Station No. 4

    Constructing of a new single-story Oxnard Fire Station 4 building and ancillary site structures.