The City of Oxnard adheres to a transparent public solicitation process and welcomes vendors to participate in providing goods and services to the City. The steps below will guide vendors through the registration and proposal/bid submission process.
New Purchasing Platform
The City of Oxnard is in the process of migrating to a new purchasing platform: Planet Bids. This software is designed to streamline procurement processes, enhance transparency, and drive cost savings in an environmentally friendly way.
While the migration process continues, we strongly recommend that vendors register with the new purchasing platform now through the link below.
Vendor Registration
The City utilizes Public Purchase, a third-party electronic solicitation website that allows vendors to register. Upon registration with Public Purchase, registered vendor(s) will receive e-mail notifications of upcoming solicitation opportunities for the items your company identified.
You can register for free with Public Purchase to submit responses to open requests from the City. Registered vendor(s) will also be able to view all the open solicitations, electronically respond to the solicitations, and see solicitation results when they are awarded. Additionally, registered vendor(s) will receive notices of any addenda to those solicitations, as well as have the opportunity to post questions and receive answers pertaining to that solicitation. All questions and answers are posted online so that all vendors will have access to the same information regarding the solicitation.
All Open Bid Opportunities
View all open bid opportunities through out Public Purchase portal.
Web Link
Public Project Bidding
View current open public projects as well as a list of recent bid results.
Web Link
Purchase Order Terms & Conditions
Download the Terms & Conditions
112.05 KB PDF | Updated 12/30/24
Frequently Asked Questions
Registered vendors will receive notice of solicitations. Solicitation notifications are based on registered e-mail addresses, so it is recommended you use a generic e-mail address for your company, if you have one, and a second email address for a specific individual, if available. That way, if personal e-mail addresses change, your organization still receives notification of solicitation opportunities. It’s also important to make sure your company has saved the user-name and password in a secure location, so that it is accessible when you are not available.
The City cannot guarantee you will receive notice of every opportunity to sell to the City, so we encourage you to visit our Purchasing website so its important to review Solicitation Opportunities on a regular basis.
The Purchasing Office has established the following ethical standards of conduct governing the performance of all persons exercising delegated purchasing authority by the Purchasing Agent in transacting City of Oxnard business and preventing potential conflicts of interest.