Ventura County Contact: Public Information Officer, 805-212-9484
July 13, 2020
State orders additional restrictions to slow transmission of COVID-19
Ventura, CA – Governor Gavin Newsom and the California Department of Public Health today expanded statewide its
indoor closures for businesses that encourage mixing of individuals beyond immediate households and make physical
distancing and wearing face coverings difficult.
The state is similarly expanding statewide its order for brewpubs, breweries, bars, and pubs to close, both indoors and
outdoors, unless they are offering sit down meals outdoors and comply with guidance issued on June 28. These businesses
must remain closed in Ventura County unless they have a restaurant permit issued by Ventura County Environmental
Today’s order is effective immediately and the closures will remain in effect until the State Public Health Officer
determines it is appropriate to modify the order based on public health conditions.
Counties on the County Monitoring List for three or more consecutive days – currently 29 counties, including Ventura
County, accounting for 80 percent of the state’s population – must close indoor operations for the following activities:
• Gyms and Fitness Centers
• Places of Worship
• Indoor Protests
• Offices for Non-Critical Infrastructure Sectors as identified at
• Personal Care Services (including nail salons, massage parlors, and tattoo parlors)
• Hair Salons and Barbershops
• Malls
Sectors included in today’s announcement are all at higher risk of transmission because they promote mixing with others
outside of one’s household. In addition, some of these sectors are centered on eating and drinking, compliance with face
coverings is not possible for the full duration of time someone spends in these establishments. All industry or sector
guidance documents that have been issued to date, including all infectious control measures outlined in those guidance
documents, apply in outdoor settings, and must be adhered to.
The state will work closely with counties to ensure
businesses are complying with guidance and are modifying operations to reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19.
More information at