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April 25, 2019

Ventura County Has No Measles Cases

Sheila Murphy, Public Information Officer
Department of Ventura County Health Care Agency
(805) 637-4955 

 Ventura County, CA – As of April 25, 2019, Ventura County has been fortunate to claim no measles cases in our county, despite the fact that our neighboring county – The Los Angeles County (LAC) Department of Public Health (DPH) – has recently confirmed five cases of measles. While we have not seen any cases to date, the LA County cases provide a reminder to all residents to take the time and check immunization records. Parents should make sure their children are up-to-date on their immunizations to prevent them from getting this serious and potentially deadly disease. Measles is a highly contagious disease. It is especially serious for young children, pregnant women and people who have problems with their immunity. Protect your child by making sure he or she is up to date on measles vaccine, including before traveling abroad. 

“Measles is a very contagious disease caused by a virus,” explains Dr. Robert Levin, Ventura County Public Health Officer. “It spreads to others through coughing and sneezing. It is so contagious that if one person has it, up to 90% of the people around him or her are also susceptible to becoming infected if they are not protected by immunization.” 

From January 1 to April 19, 2019, 626 individual cases of measles have been confirmed in 22 states. This is an increase of 71 cases from the previous year. This is the second-greatest number of cases reported in the U.S. since measles was eliminated in 2000, second only to the 667 cases reported during all of 2014. In the coming weeks, 2019 confirmed case numbers will likely surpass 2014 levels. 

In 2019 to date, there have been 38 cases of measles in California. “Measles is knocking at our door. With the recent cases in LA County we are urging everyone to ensure that they are current on their immunizations. The immunization against measles is the MMR,” shares Dr. Levin. “It has been proven safe and effective.”