CAGs, Boards, and Committees are composed of community volunteers dedicated to improving the overall quality of life in Oxnard through focused legislative bodies.
To be eligible for appointment to any Citizen Advisory Group, an individual must meet all of the following requirements:
- Eighteen years of age;
- Resident of the City of Oxnard;
- Not presently a member of any CAG;
- Completed application on file with the City Clerk.
CAG applications are available digitally or can be obtained in-person from the City Clerk’s office at 300 W. Third Street, 4th Floor during regular office hours. Applications are presented to City Councilmembers for consideration as openings occur or when terms expire.
Applications may be submitted for consideration on an ongoing basis and are kept on file for four years. No individual may be considered for appointment without a current application on file. City of Oxnard employees and elected officials, and their relatives, are ineligible to apply for CAG membership. In compliance with Government Code Section 54972, a Local Appointments List of individuals who are appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of the Oxnard City Council, has been prepared. Please contact the City Clerk’s office with any questions about current vacancies.
Apply to serve on a Citizen Advisory Group, Board or Committee
CAGs, Boards and Committees
The Commission on Homelessness reviews and evaluates the City’s homeless services, recommends programs and strategies reducing the incidence of homelessness in the City, and serves as a liaison between the City Council and members of the community on matters related to homelessness issues. The COH serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council and meets on the first Monday of each month at 4:00 p.m. in Council Chambers. For more information, contact 805-385-8096.
Current Members:
- Ruby Durias
- Rene Camper-Stewart
The Community Relations Commission works to investigate, discourage, and prevent practices involving group prejudices, racial tension, intolerances or differences in treatment or favoritism of persons on a basis other than individual merit. The CRC promotes mutual understanding and respect among all residents and endorses community events that improve community relations in the City. The CRC organizes the annual Multicultural Festival and serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council. The CRC meets on the third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers. For more information, contact 805-385-7434.
Current Members:
- Khalilah Durias
- Cynthia Gonzalez
- Tiffany Lopez
- Helaine Rochelle Stallion
- Meaghan Tracy Salas
The Cultural Arts Commission fosters cultural arts in the City through the development of public arts projects, assistance with cultural arts grants, partnerships with local arts organizations and supporters, building a growth continuum of education, training and arts, and makes recommendations to City Council about ordinances regarding public arts. The CAC serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council and meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. For more information, contact 805-385-7997.
Current Members:
- Paloma Concordia
- Sandra Diaz
- Teodoro Lopez
- Elisa Torres
The Downtown Design Review Committee reviews applications for exterior changes to buildings and property in the Downtown Zoning Districts. One member of the DDRC must be a licensed architect and one member shall own a business or property in the Central Business District Zone. Members do not need to be residents of the City. The DDRC meets as needed in the West Conference Room at the City of Oxnard Service Center. For more information, contact 805-385-8272.
Current Members:
- Gary Blum
- Alesia Martin
The Inter-Neighborhood Council Organization (INCO) was established by the City Council to give residents the opportunity to participate in governmental decision-making processes. The INCO general membership consists of all active neighborhood chairs and is governed by a 5-member Executive Board elected by the general membership. The INCO meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers. For more information, contact 805-385-7424.
The Measure O Citizen Oversight Committee was created by the City Council to provide citizen oversight of Measure O revenues. The Committee reviews the use of Measure O revenues in conformance with allocations approved by the City Council. One member shall be active in a business organization representing the Oxnard business community and one member shall be active in a Neighborhood Council or Neighborhood Association in Oxnard. Members of the Measure O Citizen Oversight Committee are eligible to serve on another CAG. This committee meets on the fourth Thursday of the month in January, April, July, and October at 4:00 p.m. in Council ChambersFor more information, contact 805-385-7457.
Current Members:
- Nathan Castillo
- Ruby Durias
- Joe Munoz
- Steven Nash
- Dan Pinedo
- Len Shulman
- Noemi Valdes
The Mobilehome Park Rent Review Board members are appointed to investigate, hold hearings on, and pass upon issues related to mobilehome park rent stabilization; to make or conduct such independent hearings or investigations as may be appropriate; and to adjust maximum rents either upward or downward upon completion of its hearings and investigations. Members shall be persons who are not connected with the real estate or rental housing industry for their personal or financial gain; members shall not be residents of or have any financial interest in any mobilehome or mobilehome park. They meet as needed in Council Chambers. For more information, contact 805-385-8095.
Current Members:
- Cynthia Daniels
- Felipe Flores
- Efrain Jimenez
- Yukio Okano
The Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission serves as a liaison between the City Council and the community in matters related to parks and recreation and community services activities, advises City staff on future parks and recreation and community services programs, and receives suggestions on general community parks and recreational and community services policy issues and makes recommendations to the City Council. The PRCSC serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council and meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. For more information, contact 805-385-7995.
Current Members:
- Miguel Fernandez
- Oscar Hernandez
- Angela Whitecomb
- Joe Garcia
The Planning Commission’s role is to make sound land use decisions supporting the mission statement. The mission of Oxnard’s Planning Division is to create, preserve and enhance the quality of the City’s natural and built environments through implementation of the General Plan, zoning ordinance, adopted specific plans, Local Coastal Plan, and the coastal zoning ordinance. The Planning Commission meets on the first and third Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers. Meetings are televised live on Spectrum Channel 10, Frontier Cable Channel 35, and the City’s YouTube Account: For more information, contact 805-385-7858.
Download the 2024 Planning Commission Calendar
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Current Members:
- Ronald Arruejo
- James Schuelke
- Miguel Lopez
- Steven Nash
- Vincent Stewart
The Senior Services Commission analyzes, defines and investigates issues and needs of senior citizens in the City, develops and recommends solutions for problems affecting senior citizens to the City Council and other appropriate community organizations and agencies, disseminates information and educational materials that will assist in enhancing the quality of life of senior citizens and treatment of senior citizens, and serves as a liaison between the City Council and the community on these matters. The SSC serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council and meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the Joslyn Lawn Bowls Clubhouse. For more information, contact 805-385-8019.
Download the 2024 Senior Services Commission Calendar
Current Members:
- Linda Calderon
- Gloria Massey Chinea
- LaRita Montgomery
- Alice Sweetland
- Gloria Postel