Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 10-27-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 10-19-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 10-12-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 10-03-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 09-26-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 09-19-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 09-13-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 09-07-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 08-31-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 08-23-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 08-16-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 08-09-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 08-02-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 07-27-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 07-20-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 07-12-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 07-05-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 06-28-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 06-20-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 06-14-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 06-07-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 06-01-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 05-24-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 05-17-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 05-10-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 05-03-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 04-26-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 04-19-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 04-12-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 04-05-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-23-23 to 03-29-23
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 10-26-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 10-19-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 10-12-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 10-05-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 09-28-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 09-22-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 09-14-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 09-07-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 08-31-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 08-24-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 08-17-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 08-10-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 08-03-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 07-26-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 07-20-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 07-13-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 07-06-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 06-29-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 06-21-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 06-16-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 06-08-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-30-22 to 06-01-22
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-01-21 to 11-10-21
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-26-20 to 12-02-20
Comprehensive Remote Sensor Data: 03-13-19 to 10-31-19
Previous Reports
Channel Islands Harbor: Nutrient Sources and Sinks Study
Two storm events occurred in November 2018 which triggered the two wet weather sampling events, as outlined in the nutrient sampling plan below. The first sampling event occurred on Thursday, November 22 and the second event occurred on Thursday, November 29. Sampling took place at the 30 locations shown on the maps below for the following:
- Ammonia
- Nitrate
- Total Nitrogen
- Dissolved Phosphate
- Total Phosphorus
- Organochlorine Pesticides
- Organophosphate Pesticides
- Pyrethroid Pesticides
Test results are in. Based upon those results, the scientists will be providing recommended remediation measures and long term solutions. The final report is expected in March. The City will host a public meeting to share the results an discuss next steps.
To view the complete nutrient sampling plan, click here.
On Monday, October 1, City staff began the first stages of collecting nutrient samples in order to provide a baseline before the first major rain event. Additional samples will be taking the week of October 8. Nutrient samples are being taken in 30 locations (see maps below) throughout the northern portion of the Channel Islands Harbor as well as the Edison canal for the following:
- Ammonia
- Nitrate
- Total Nitrogen
- Soluable Reactive Phosphate
- Total Phosphorus
- Organochlorine Pesticides
- Organophosphate Pesticides
- Pyrethroid Pesticides
- Metals
The City of Oxnard applied for a grant through the Ocean Protection Council Once-Through Cooling Mitigation Program. The State Water Resources Control Board established the statewide “Water Quality Control Policy on the Use of Coastal and Estuarine Waters for Power Plant Cooling” (Policy) in 2010 requiring power generating facilities to stop using once-through cooling (OTC) technology. The Policy requires that mitigation payments assessed against power plants for use of OTC technology support “mitigation projects directed toward increases in marine life associated with the state’s marine protected areas in the geographic region of the facility.” The Policy directed the Ocean Protection Council (OPC) to develop and implement the Once-Through Cooling Interim Mitigation Program (Program). OPC and the State Water Resources Control Board entered into a Memorandum of Understanding that allocates $5.4 million of the annual payments to mitigate the impacts of OTC on California’s Marine Protected Area (MPA) Network.
The City should find out if funds are awarded to address the Channel Islands water quality issue in April 2019. For more details on this grant, click here.
Seabridge Escrow Funds
6.36 KB PDF | Updated 03/26/24
Ocean Protection Council Grant
112.02 KB PDF | Updated 03/26/24
Community and City Council Meetings
Agenda Materials
12.07 MB PDF | Updated 03/26/24
City/Aquatic Bioassay Joint Presentation
13.4 MB PPTX | Updated 03/26/24
Agenda Materials
528.72 KB PDF | Updated 03/26/24
Aquatic Bioassay & Consulting Laboratories Presentation
14.47 MB PDF | Updated 03/26/24
Agenda Materials
2.78 MB PDF | Updated 03/26/24