Many City buildings serviced by Verizon are experiencing telephone service outages. Learn More.
Public Works
Plans, designs, constructs, operates, and maintains the City's infrastructure, and ensures the safe and reliable delivery of the City's utility services
The Public Works department is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in the City of Oxnard by providing quality public works services, facilities and infrastructure to safeguard public health and welfare for residents, businesses, and succeeding generations. Please visit each division’s webpage below for more information about specific public works services.
Provides safe, well-maintained parks and public places and is also responsible for the City’s trees, medians, street landscapes and the Graffiti Action Program.
Manages assessment districts, which include landscape maintenance districts, waterways, and community facilities districts. These districts finance public improvements and services within their boundaries.
Responsible for the maintenance and management of the City’s storm drain system and manages compliance with the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit.
Oversees the installation, design, and monitoring of traffic signals, signs and road markings to ensure the safe and efficient flow of traffic on City streets. The division manages capital projects and assists outside contractors with transportation mobility project plan reviews and permits.
Operates and maintains the Oxnard Wastewater Treatment Plant (OWTP) and the sewer system that takes wastewater from toilets, showers, sinks and laundry away from homes and businesses.