The Streets Maintenance Division oversees the continuous upkeep of roads, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and alleyways. Responsibilities extend to maintaining City parking lots, guardrails, roadway shoulders, as well as ensuring the proper functioning of traffic signs, pavement markings, and signals within municipal boundaries.
City staff maintains approximately 1,032 miles of streets, approximately 650 miles of sidewalks, 917 miles of curb and gutter, 60 miles of alleys, over 453 centerline miles of all pavement markings within the city streets and approximately 20,000 street signs.
Maintenance includes:
- Pothole Repairs
- Pavement Maintenance
- Sand Removal
- Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter Repairs
- Street Signs and Markings
Street Sweeper Pay Facts
The Public Works department supervises the City’s street sweeping schedule through third party contracts. There are no City employees that perform street sweeping work. Determined by the State of California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR), the following four (4) types of street sweeping meet the “public works” definition:
Street sweeping on a regular schedule
Street sweeping to clean up following construction
Street sweeping of a parking lot on a regular schedule
Street sweeping to assist in repaving
Since each of these street sweeping situations meets the State’s definition of “public works” they are subject to prevailing wage requirements pursuant to the DIR determination.
The City of Oxnard provides street sweeping on a regular schedule, as well as to assist in capital projects as necessary, through a third-party vendor. As such, the City has taken the position that the DIR determination applies to the type of street sweeping performed by the vendor. As part of the trade service agreement, the vendor is responsible for providing all labor, equipment, materials, and insurance. The City has requested the DIR to provide an official determination by the DIR director on applicability of their prevailing wage determination for the City of Oxnard, which can take up to 12-18 months to receive.
Read more about prevailing wages and how they are determined on the DIR’s FAQ webpage.
Frequently Asked Questions
The best way to report illegal dumping is through the City’s 311 App.
Please contact the Environmental Resources Division at (805) 385-8060 or [email protected] for questions about street sweeping.
Trash Collection & Street Sweeping Calendar
View the current residential trash collection and street sweeping calendar.
691.25 KB PDF | Updated 01/06/25
Experiencing a street light outage? Please report it to Southern California Edison.
For water service (non-billing) questions or to report water service issues, please call (805) 385-8136 or use the City’s Oxnard 311 App.
To report water emergencies, please call the 24/7 Water Emergency line at (805) 207-0603
For more information on filing a claim for damages, please visit the link below.