Community Facilities Districts (CFDs), commonly known as Mello-Roos Districts, are used to finance local public facilities and provide funding for public services. A CFD can fund public improvements with a useful life of at least five years such as public infrastructure, park, recreation, and open space facilities, school facilities, libraries, and child care facilities. CFDs can also fund ongoing services such as police and fire protection, park, parkways, and open space maintenance, and flood and storm protection.
The City of Oxnard has both bonded and non-bonded CFDs. Below are the non-bonded district details. You can find the bonded districts information here.
Community Facilities District No. 2 (Westport at Mandalay Bay) was established in 2000 to pay for the cost and expense of providing certain public services throughout the Westport development. This is a non-bonded district that does not expire. The CFD funds cover some or all of the following services:
- Police protection services, including, but not limited to, enforcement of codes relating to the waterways within and adjoining the CFD and the harbor;
- Maintenance of parks, parkways and open spaces, including but not limited to waterways within and adjoining the CFD and the harbor;
- Storm drain filtration maintenance
Annual Documents
Resolution No. 15,792
Authorizing Levy of Special Taxes for FY24-25
185.08 KB PDF | Updated 06/25/24
CFD No. 2 Westport Annual Report FY 2023-24
1.36 MB PDF | Updated 04/19/24
Formation Documents
CFD 2 Boundary Map
56.05 KB PDF | Updated 12/12/23
Resolution No. 11,825
Establishment of CFD No. 2 Westport
489.89 KB PDF | Updated 07/16/24
Ordinance No. 2542
Levy of Special Tax
130.05 KB PDF | Updated 07/16/24
Resolution No. 12,082
Authorizing Revised Rate & Method
249.84 KB PDF | Updated 07/16/24
Ordinance No. 2592
Levy of Revised Special Tax
72.8 KB PDF | Updated 07/16/24
Recorded Notice of Special Tax Lien
5.06 MB PDF | Updated 12/12/23
Maintenance Report
Inspection Report
66.63 MB PDF | Updated 02/05/25
Other Resources
Community Facilities District No. 4 (Seabridge at Mandalay Bay) was established in 2004 to pay for the cost and expense of providing certain public services throughout the Seabridge development. This is a non-bonded district and is an on-going assessment that does not expire. The CFD funds cover some or all of the following services:
- Police protection services, including, but not limited to, enforcement of codes relating to the waterways within and adjoining the district and the harbor;
- Maintenance of parks, parkways and open space, including but not limited to waterways within and adjoining the district and the harbor;
- Maintenance of channels, flood and storm protection facilities, public boat docks;
- Dredging and remediation costs, including but not limited to waterways within and adjoining the district and the harbor
Park Restroom
Please note that the restrooms will be closed from 8:00 PM until 7:00 AM daily.
Tennis Courts
The tennis courts behind Vons are maintained by the Seabridge CFD.
Annual Documents
Resolution No. 15,794
Authorizing Levy of Special Taxes for FY24-25
185.46 KB PDF | Updated 06/25/24
CFD No. 4 Seabridge Annual Report FY 2023-24
1.44 MB PDF | Updated 05/01/24
Formation Documents
CFD 4 Boundary Map
37 KB PDF | Updated 12/12/23
Resolution No. 12,739
Establishment of CFD No. 4 Seabridge
8.77 MB PDF | Updated 07/16/24
Ordinance No. 2677
Levy of Special Tax
103.16 KB PDF | Updated 07/16/24
Resolution No. 15,104
Ballot Measure to Reduce Special Tax
278.86 KB PDF | Updated 07/17/24
Resolution No. 15,185
Results of General Election November 2018
1.45 MB PDF | Updated 07/17/24
Recorded Notice of Special Tax Lien
2.51 MB PDF | Updated 12/12/23
Seabridge Memorandum of Understanding
For the Channel Islands Harbor
1.4 MB PDF | Updated 07/16/24
Maintenance Report
Inspection Report
74.42 MB PDF | Updated 02/05/25
Other Resources
RiverPark Informational Town Hall Meeting | Monday, September 9, 2024
View the meeting recording below.
Community Facilities District No. 5 (RiverPark) was established in 2005 to pay for the cost and expense of providing public services to the RiverPark development, which includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Maintaining parks, parkways, and open space.
- Maintaining sports fields used for youth baseball and soccer.
- Flood and storm protection services.
- Police protection services.
- Local park, recreation, parkway, and open-space facilities.
RiverPark is a non-bonded district for maintenance and does not expire.
Park Restrooms
Please note that the restrooms will be closed from dusk to dawn daily.
Central Park Fountain
Please be aware that if there are windy weather conditions, the fountain may be turned off intermittently, but the smaller ones will remain on whenever possible. This is to prevent water from blowing onto the sidewalks. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Windrow Dog Park – OPEN
Please note that the Dog Park is closed every Thursday morning from Dawn until Noon for maintenance. If this is not done on a regular basis, the quality of the dog park will go down and will cause it to be closed for longer periods of time.
Annual Documents
Resolution No. 15,795
Authorizing Levy of Special Taxes for FY24-25
185.89 KB PDF | Updated 06/25/24
CFD No. 5 RiverPark Annual Report FY 2023-24
3.92 MB PDF | Updated 05/01/24
CFD 5 Revised Reserve Study – RiverPark – July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021
912.22 KB PDF | Updated 03/25/24
Formation Documents
CFD 5 Boundary Map
167.88 KB PDF | Updated 03/25/24
Resolution No. 12,936
Establishment of CFD No. 5 RiverPark
463.91 KB PDF | Updated 07/17/24
Ordinance No. 2701
Levy of Special Tax
1.09 MB PDF | Updated 07/17/24
Recorded Notice of Special Tax Lien – District Formation
389.41 KB PDF | Updated 03/25/24
Joint Use Agreement – RiverPark Fire Station
591.63 KB PDF | Updated 03/25/24
Joint Use Agreement – Rio School District
685.62 KB PDF | Updated 03/25/24
Joint Use Agreement – Rio School District (First Amendment)
58.14 KB PDF | Updated 03/25/24
RiverPark Specific Plan (Rev. August 2012)
46.9 MB PDF | Updated 03/25/24
RiverPark Maintenance Areas
3.6 MB PDF | Updated 03/25/24
Maintenance Report
Inspection Report
80.24 MB PDF | Updated 01/29/25
On December 6, 2016, the Oxnard City Council approved the formation of a Community Facilities District (CFD) through the Statewide Communities Infrastructure Program. The CFD was established to finance the cost and expense of providing certain public facilities. The proposed improvements include, but are not limited to:
- Public parks and landscaping, multi-use path and bridge over Oxnard Blvd.;
- street lights, trees, retaining walls, medians and sidewalks;
- Flood walls, flood improvements, flood protection facilities and storm water quality services.
The CFD was formed through the California Statewide Communities Development Authority (CSCDA). CSCDA is the administrator of this district, will issue the bonds, and be responsible for handling the funds, administering the annual tax levy, filing continuing disclosure reports and foreclosure if there are late property tax payments.
Formation Documents
CFD 7 Boundary Map
118.2 KB PDF | Updated 03/25/24
Resolution No. 14,980
Establishment of CFD No. 7 Wagon Wheel through CSCDA
5.67 MB PDF | Updated 03/25/24
Maintenance Report
Inspection Report
26.14 MB PDF | Updated 01/29/25
Community Facilities District No. 8 (Sakioka Farms Business Park) was established in 2020 to pay for the cost and expense of providing certain public services throughout the Sakioka Farms Business Park development. This is a non-bonded district that does not expire. The CFD funds cover some or all of the following services, but only if such services are not funded and provided through private parties or organizations:
- Fire protection services;
- Maintenance of landscaping within public rights of way;
- Maintenance of drainage facilities, including the water quality components of the drainage facilities; and
- Weed control related to the development of the Property.
Annual Documents
CFD 8 Sakioka Farms Resolution No. 15,796
Authorizing Levy of Special Taxes for FY24-25
183.58 KB PDF | Updated 06/25/24
CFD No. 8 Sakioka Farms Annual Report FY 2023-24
1.27 MB PDF | Updated 05/01/24
Formation Documents
Resolution No. 15,326
Intent to Establish & Levy CFD No. 8 Sakioka Farms Business Park
1.67 MB PDF | Updated 05/01/24
Resolution No. 15,349
Establishment of CFD No. 8 Sakioka Farms Business Park
847.19 KB PDF | Updated 05/01/24
Resolution No. 15,350
Calling a Special Election
733.35 KB PDF | Updated 05/01/24
Resolution No. 15,351
Results of the Special Election
172.64 KB PDF | Updated 05/01/24
Ordinance No. 2,982
Levy of the Special Tax
600.72 KB PDF | Updated 05/01/24
Ordinance No. 2,983
Development Agreement
6.19 MB PDF | Updated 05/01/24
CFDs are established pursuant to the provisions of the California Government Code Section 53311 et seq. (commonly known as the “Mello-Roos”) and raise money through special taxes that must be approved by 2/3 of the voters within a CFD. The City Council is the legislative body of any CFD the City forms. Most often, CFDs are formed by the landowner (developer) prior to subdivision.
CFDs can be formed to finance a wide list of improvements, which include roads, water facilities, sewers, and schools. They are also used to finance ongoing maintenance services of the facilities or for services such as landscaping, streets, lighting, and drainage facilities. The taxes are secured by a continuing lien and are levied against properties within the CFD on an annual basis.
Although the City of Oxnard forms the CFD, the debt issuances are not obligations of the City, but rather obligations of CFD 9. Therefore, the formation of the CFD does not obligate the City to make any expenditure or proceed with the project or obligate the City or the CFD to issue any bonds. Finally, the finances and bonds of the CFD are unrelated to, do not rely upon, and do not impact the credit rating of the City.
Annual Documents
CFD 9 Northshore at Mandalay Bay Resolution No. 15,797
Authorizing Levy of Special Taxes for FY24-25
184.61 KB PDF | Updated 06/25/24
Formation Documents
CFD 9 Boundary Map
262.89 KB PDF | Updated 03/25/24
Resolution No. 15,492
Establishment of CFD No. 9 Northshore
1.52 MB PDF | Updated 07/17/24
Ordinance No. 3004
Levy of Special Tax
2.28 MB PDF | Updated 07/17/24
Rate and Method of Apportionment (RMA)
359.34 KB PDF | Updated 03/25/24
Operation and Maintenance Plan
64.16 MB PDF | Updated 03/25/24
Response Plan
20.94 MB PDF | Updated 03/25/24